The Historical Society of Cheshire County is conducting a pop-up membership campaign inspired by the Monadnock Restaurant Project. The board and staff of the Historical Society have chipped in to purchase 25 gift cards for local restaurants. On March 19, the gift cards will be given to randomly selected members of the Historical Society. The director of the Historical Society, Alan Rumrill said, “We thought the restaurant gift cards would be a good way to promote membership in the Society and pay it forward by supporting local restaurants who have been there for our organization over the years. We know our members will like to support those local businesses and their employees.” The grand prize will consist of five $20 gift cards at establishments that have participated in the Wyman Tavern Brew Fest, one of the signature fundraising events for the Historical Society: Elm City Brewing Company, Luca’s Mediterranean Café, Machina Kitchen and Art Bar, Prime Roast Coffee Company, and The Stage Restaurant. Additional gift cards for a variety of local restaurants will be given out on March 19.
All members of the Historical Society of Cheshire County will be eligible to win. Moreover, members of the Historical Society are already winners by being part of an organization that helps people “find their place in history.” The Historical Society of Cheshire County has been collecting, preserving, and communicating the history of the Monadnock Region for 94 years. In 2019, the Society’s staff of six employees and about 150 volunteers put on 174 programs that served 13,214 people, 29% of whom were youth and teens. During the pandemic, the Historical Society has continued to deliver local history stories via the internet.
Last year, despite the fact that the Society had to cancel 86 in-person programs due to the pandemic, they were able to offer 76 live programs onsite, offsite, or via Zoom, and they produced 47 additional pre-recorded programs for platforms such as Vimeo and You Tube. In addition, they reached an even larger audience with Monadnock Moments on Monadnock Broadcasting, stories in the Keene Sentinel and the Monadnock Shopper, and a popular series written by Alan F. Rumrill, Viral Stories: Tales for a Pandemic. For more information, or to become a member of the Historical Society of Cheshire County, go to
The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH