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Call for 2024 Plaid Friday Hubs

October 20, 2024 11:20 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

We invite businesses and organizations to participate in the Monadnock Region's Plaid Friday event on Friday, November 24.  Celebrate in creative ways that work best for you, your staff, and neighborhood.

Here's one great way to participate: Become a Plaid Friday Hub

As a Plaid Friday Hub, your business commits to:

  • Printing out and posting our Plaid Friday Poster before the event
  • Having you and your staff wear plaid on November 29
  • Photographing customers who visit your business wearing plaid (browse past year's photos for inspiration)
  • Sharing information about Plaid Friday with all your staff, clients, and customers

Other Ways to Participate in Plaid Friday

Here are some other ideas -- but get creative, too!

  • Encourage your staff (and your partner’s staff) to wear plaid (Not open on Plaid Friday? Check out what Badger Balm does the day before Thanksgiving)
  • If you offer any holiday specials/sales/event, please share them with us and we'll post them on our Plaid Friday Members Specials Page
  • Create a display featuring locally made items
  • Use plaid ribbon, tissue paper or buy local bags
  • Add #shopindielocal and #plaidfriday to your social media posts

If you'd like to serve as a Plaid Friday hub this year, please contact us today.

I want to be a Plaid Friday Hub

The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH

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