This February, The Local Crowd (TLC) Monadnock invites you to celebrate Black-owned businesses, Black history, and diversity. We’re teaming up with the American Independent Business Alliance and partners throughout North America to promote Choose Black-Owned Month. Together, we can build stronger local economies that are diverse, inclusive, and equitable.
Many community members want to support diversity where they live. One study found that when Black-owned businesses were identified as “Black-owned,” those businesses saw increased customer visits. We want to help make it easier for our community to Choose Black-Owned in the Monadnock Region.
According to Pew Research, just 3% of U.S. businesses were identified as Black-owned in 2020. That’s even though Black adults comprise 12.4% of the overall population. Removing this disparity leads to increased employment and economic growth.
Black-owned business owners receive less financing than other races. In 2022, the Federal Reserve reported that 35% of white business owners received all the funding they requested from a bank, compared to 16% of BIPOC (Black, indigenous, or person of color) business owners. This lack of capital holds back business revenue growth and employment.
Building a more inclusive economy leads to more community wealth for all. One report from McKinsey & Company noted that closing the wealth gap could add $2 – $3 trillion of annual growth to our national economy.
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Support Black-owned businesses like New England Sweetwater Farm & Distillery in Winchester. Tell us about other Black-owned businesses you’ve discovered in our region and throughout the state. Please email us!
The more dollars we spend at Black-owned businesses in our community, the more dollars recirculate in the local economy, boosting job growth, charitable giving, and overall prosperity.
Ask your favorite locally owned businesses if they carry products made or grown by Black-owned businesses. Monadnock Food Co-op in Keene plans to call out Black-owned business products throughout the month.
On February 28, the Keene Family YMCA will join other YMCAs nationwide to promote their #WeWearBlack campaign. Staff, members, and guests are invited to wear black to symbolize hope, awareness, and togetherness.
“Our YMCA is deeply committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming community where people of all backgrounds and cultures feel valued and supported,” said Colleen Manzi, Director of Marketing at Keene Family YMCA. “Celebrating initiatives like Choose Black-Owned Month aligns with our mission to uplift diversity and build stronger, more connected communities."
The Keene Y continues this work year-round by hosting the Monadnock Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Coalition (MDEIB). MDEIB works to promote and develop our region as a welcoming and inclusive place for all — including BIPOC individuals who live, work, and visit our community. MDEIB was formed in 2021, guided by the City of Keene’s Racial Justice and Community Safety Report.
The Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire will host the Elinor Williams Hooker Tea Talks both in-person in Portsmouth and virtually each Sunday in February.
View the Full Series
Thank you to our local partners, Keene Family YMCA, Monadnock Food Co-op, and The Monadnocker. And thank you!
Stay tuned for Choose Black-Owned Month updates and how we’re collectively building stronger local economies that are diverse, inclusive, and equitable.
The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH