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We Did It: Moving Outdoors Crowdfunding Campaign Goal Reached

April 22, 2018 9:31 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

From the Montessori Schoolhouse of Cheshire County

We called on you, and YOU ANSWERED!

We want to express the deepest gratitude to each of you who donated and has supported this campaign. It is a huge representation of the generosity of this community and we are so grateful for your support.

We hit our goal of $8,000.00 only 19 days in to the month long campaign!

The campaign will continue on through the end of the month, with April 30 as the last day. And we hope that we will continue to see support.

This means so much to the children of the Montessori Schoolhouse, and I know that as we begin to purchase the items in our budget they will reap all the nature play benefits of your support.

We truly can't do it without such a powerful and generous community of parents, relatives, alumni, and friends.
We thank each of you from the very tip of our toes to the top of our heads, with full hearts.


On behalf of the Montessori Schoolhouse Staff and Board, and all the grateful children,
Christina Klueh
Board VP

The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH

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