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Village Roots Permaculture: Barn Raising Update

April 29, 2018 9:21 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

From Village Roots Permaculture

Thank you to the community of supporters that helped make this fund raising goal a reality!  Your donations of time, money, rewards, materials, expertise, advertising and emotional support have all led us to this next important phase, construction.

Getting Started

We've been stirring on ideas for quite some time now and the planning process continues every time I feed the animals or grab a tool. Now with the campaign a success, we are wrapping up details of the design, gathering materials and starting the first phases of the timber frame construction.

  • We are adjusting our timber drawings to reflect the materials we have on hand. Many of these timbers, I milled on site two years ago.  Joules is adding some animals to the drawings.
  • We have begun to layout joinery on barn post timbers.
  • We have picked up a trailer load of 200 year old, hand hewn timbers (with the help of Hans Mayer) and have begun the process of cleaning these up.  These came from an old barn in Acworth (Bascom's Sugarhouse) and will become floor joists in the new barn. 

Stay tuned.  Now the real fun begins.

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