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We're Live: TLC Monadnock Crowdfunding Campaign

November 05, 2018 6:26 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

Yesterday marked the public launch of our crowdfunding campaign for The Local Crowd Monadnock!

View Our Campaign

Thanks to all of you -- we raised 30% of our goal. Together we're leveraging the power of crowdfunding to make wonderful ideas happen -- projects that support a local, green and fair economy in the Monadnock region.

Impressive News: Our sponsored rewards from Cheshire Garden and Monadnock Food Co-op are already sold out. We hope that other local businesses will donate rewards to support this campaign, too. Please feel free to mention this opportunity to your favorite locally owned business. It's a win-win... especially during the holiday gift-giving season.

Please help us spread the word about our TLC Monadnock campaign by sharing our this link on social media today:

Thank you all again for your support!

The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH

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