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TLC Monadnock Crowdfunding Campaign: Shift Your Shopping

November 26, 2018 5:42 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

Photo credit: Prime Roast Coffee

With Thanksgiving and Plaid Friday this week, things were a bit slow for our TLC Monadnock Campaign. However, we'll be out in full force promoting our crowdfunding campaign next week -- watch for an article about TLC Monadnock in next week's Monadnock Shopper News.

On another note -- If you're looking for some Shift Your Shopping ideas, take a look at our rewards on the right side of our campaign page. They were all donated by locally owned business owners who wanted to show their support for expanding TLC Monadnock.

Is there someone on your gift-giving list that would appreciate a gift from ...

Go ahead, shift your shopping and lend more support to our campaign today!

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The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH

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