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Breaking Bread: Orchard Hill Breadworks Virtual Tour

November 14, 2020 10:28 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

From Orchard Hill Breadworks

Many of you contributed to last year’s community funded stone mill project here at the bakery, and it has been our pleasure to work with the Mill Hollow heritage association to put together a presentation about the bakery, the mill and our role in the wider community. Please join us on December 1st at 8 to see this presentation for yourself and participate in the live Q & A!

Wishing you all a good day.


Breaking Bread: Orchard Hill Breadworks Stone Mill

Tuesday, December 1, 2020
8:00 - 9:00 p.m. EDT
(via Zoom)

A Sense of Place continues to explore the stories, history, and qualities that make Chase's Mill and Mill Hollow unique. Join us for a filmed tour of Alstead's Orchard Hill Breadworks and interview with its founder, Noah Elbers. It will be followed by a live Q & A.

Noah’s presentation will feature the bakery’s new stone mill and highlight the growing nationwide movement of artisan bakers who’ve chosen to work directly with the farmers who grow their grain.

The event is free and is open to all, but you need to register to receive the link to the webinar.

Register here!

Noah Elbers believes that good food and happy, healthy communities go hand in hand. Bread was first baked for sale at Orchard Hill in 1997, but the story of this place begins in 1972. Noah’s grandparents purchased the land and buildings that are now Orchard Hill Farm and Breadworks. In the early years, it was merely a late 1700s farm house and a dusty barn which sat at the center of thirty some acres of fields and forest. Since that time, three generations have planted orchards, tended gardens, built homes, launched a school and community center, and helped a bakery grow and flourish.

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