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Keene Gets its First Bicycle Mayor (and so does the United States!)

September 28, 2017 6:01 PM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

Saturday, September 30th at the Monadnock Fall Festival, Tiffany Mannion will be appointed the first Bicycle Mayor of Keene. In this role she will represent cyclists in the region and bring together those who need to be involved to get more people in the Monadnock region on bikes. Tiffany is a regular bicycle commuter and explorer and expects to ride close to her goal of 3000 miles this year. By becoming the Bicycle Mayor of Keene, Tiffany will join a worldwide network of Bicycle Mayors, called the Bicycle Mayor and Leader Network.

Working with the Monadnock Alliance for Sustainable Transportation, she will focus her two-year term as a Bicycle Mayor on three areas: education, connection and creation. As the Monadnock Region’s only certified cycling instructor, she will set up educational programming and work toward adding other certified cycling instructors in the region.  She will connect college, university and businesses with the benefits of bicycle -friendly programming and connect the great work of our region that points to a shared future of confident riders and supported infrastructure.  And she will create an online hub connecting our region of riders with opportunities to know your neighbor with events and initiatives such as bike kitchens, bike shares and community rides.

The Bicycle Mayor and Leader Network is initiated by Amsterdam based startup CycleSpace, which has the aim of getting the next billion people on bikes in order to accelerate the shift from car-centric to human-centric cities. It supports and advances the local needs of cycling in the respective communities of the Bicycle Mayors and encourages the Bicycle Mayors to connect and share experiences to create a global movement with a local impact. The program started in Amsterdam with the election of Anna Luten as the first bicycle of Amsterdam in 2016. Last year Bicycle Mayors from Mexico-City, Sydney, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Baroda, India joined. Tiffany Mannion will be the first Bicycle Mayor in the United States.

In order to be appointed as the Bicycle Mayor of Keene, Tiffany received  endorsement letters to bring this global initiative by the Monadnock Alliance for Sustainable Transportation, Pathways for Keene, Mayor Kendall Lane, The Monadnock Cycling Club, and the Swanzey Police Department.

The appointment will take place at 1:00 pm at the Gazebo bandstand at the Monadnock Fall Festival.

From left to right, the Bicycle Mayors of Amsterdam, Mexico-city, Sao Paulo, Baroda India and Sydney

About CycleSpace

CycleSpace is making the shift from car-centric to human-centric cities possible through acting as a catalyst for breakthrough solutions around cycling. We create and accelerate ideas, kick start collaborations, and launch global innovations and programs. We have an ambitious goal - for 50% of all city trips to be by bike by 2030. We call this ‘50 by 30’ and we believe it will lead to fundamentally healthier, happier and more prosperous cities. Cycling is more than transportation. It is transformation. In all our work, we never stop asking ‘Where can the bicycle take you?’

The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH

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