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Why Join? Hear Ted's Shoe & Sport's Reply

April 16, 2018 3:00 PM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

Ted McGreer from Ted's Shoe & Sport in Keene shares why he's a Monadnock Buy Local Member -- and a proud independent business owner.

Join with Ted and 116 others:

Now is the time to join Monadnock Buy Local, a movement to cultivate a more local, green and fair economy in the Monadnock Region.

What is Monadnock Buy Local?

We are individuals, businesses and organizations working to promote the positive economic and community benefits of spending and investing our dollars locally, while supporting programs and policies that forward our vision.

Why Join?

  • Earn recognition for being a locally owned business
  • Feel pride in supporting the Buy Local Movement
  • Increase customer loyalty and visibility in your community

The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH

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