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Call for Partners: NH Eat Local Month

May 20, 2018 10:30 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)
It’s never too early to start planning this year’s NH Eat Local Month, an annual event in August that celebrates local food and farming in our state.

This year, Monadnock Buy Local is collaborating with the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food, Seacoast Eat Local, Seacoast Local and hopefully you to amplify the “Eat Local” message and empower more of us to celebrate the harvest.

We’re looking for partners to help us spread the word and energize all parts of the state to celebrate NH Eat Local Month.

Partners will:

  • Endorse NH Eat Local Month by sharing their business/organization’s name and website link with us
  • Provide us with links to any events or promotions they are organizing during NH Eat Local Month
  • Spread the word by sharing social media posts, adding a link to on their own website and finding other creative ways to engage their fans in NH Eat Local Month

Partners will receive:

How do you sign on as a partner?  It’s easy — just send an email to with an “I’m in!” message and we’ll add you to our list (be sure your business/organization is easy to identify).  There’s no cost to you to participate as a partner.

The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH

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