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Get On the Map: Keene First Friday Art Hop

June 21, 2018 6:21 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

The first Keene First Friday Art Hop begins soon - Friday July 6 from 5pm - 9pm. We are eager to get downtown businesses, local organizations, artisan & craft businesses registered and ON THE MAP!

Registration Forms

Downtown Keene businesses can get involved by:

Staying open! We recommend open until 9pm.  We understand that some businesses close much earlier.  If you are normally open until 6, would you remain open until 7pm and offer a wonderful and unique First Friday special? Offer arts or music in your shop? Add a Harvest of the Month special to your menu? And, if you notify the local police and liquor commission, as well as follow the simple rules (free, open to the public, legal tasting size, etc.), it is FREE to offer a tasting in your store! More here.

Showing ART! Host a local musician! For a nominal fee, Machina Arts, our promoter, will provide low cost access to their ASCAP license, decreasing your cost to host live music. Contact us for pricing.

Promote local food!  Promote the Harvest of the Month: Berries in July and Tomatoes in August!

Other ideas!? We would love to hear them! Host a local museum or non profit; offer an arts activity; bring a local artisan business into your shop for the evening; partner with a local artist to commission a new work of art.  The list is endless!

We are eager to put you ON THE MAP!  Fill out our registration form by June 29 and let us know what will be happening in your location.

And please, do share the news about this event: Share our Facebook event, invite artist friends to vend on Railroad Square, get a local non profit involved to spread their mission and/or host a family friendly activity, visit one of our TWO POP UP Galleries, host/invite a local craft/artisan food company to participate. Information is available here.

Thank you for your consideration.  Feel free to contact me with any questions: 603-309-6339 or

See you at the Art Hop on July 6!

Carolyn Sweet
First Friday Program Developer

The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH

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