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September 25, 2017 6:57 AM | Jen Risley (Administrator)

Ash Hill Center for the Arts "Faire-ly Creative" Event

Ash Hill Center for the Arts in Swanzey is holding an event in partnership with Monadnock Buy Local and The Local Crowd Monadnock.  It's a fun and festive event called "Faire-ly Creative" Event.  We invite artists, creative businesses and food & drink vendors to consider becoming an event vendor.

Event Details:
October 22 from 11am - 4pm at the Ash Hill Center for the Arts in Swanzey
The Local Crowd Monadnock will partner with the Ash Hill Center for the Arts "Fair-ly Creative" event. Artists and creative businesses from the Monadnock Region will demonstrate their skills and crafts.

$20 exhibitor space fee

Exhibitors may sell their work, but the focus should be on demonstrating what they do or developing an activity to engage the public (especially children).

Interested?  Have questions?
Please contact Pam Dexter at Ash Hill Center for the Arts at

The Local Crowd Monadnock - Keene, NH

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